5 Surprising Work Benefits Of Massage Therapy (That We Bet You Didn’t Know) By Beauty Salon Great Missenden Call Us On 01494 865005
5 Surprising Work Benefits Of Massage Therapy (That We Bet You Didn’t Know) By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005
Believe it or not, researchers estimate that 80% of disease is caused by stress. The very word itself suggests it, DIS-EASE, not at ease with the world. And you’re not alone.
The stress of work and every day living can trigger many health problems such as high blood pressure, migraines, back problems, poor circulation, susceptibility to illness, and many others.
Millions of people develop illnesses or chronic health conditions because of stress. How often have you said to yourself, “I wish I could handle this better!”
The good news is you can! To counteract stress, you must have a self-care plan in place. And while diet and exercise are critical to balancing the impact of stress, they are not always the most welcomed part of a self-care plan.
Massage, on the other hand, is the one lifestyle “correction” measure that people love. You show up with all your knots and tight muscles, and we work our magic.
But how does massage, typically called a “feel good” or “pampering” therapy help you to manage everyday stress?
Massage has been clinically proven to:
Strengthen your immune system
Reduce blood pressure
Increase circulation
Increases oxygen
Break the cycle of pain
Increase flexibility
Decrease stress hormones
Because massage removes toxins and inflammation from your body, it gives your body a chance to slow down and heal. That loosey-goosey sensation you have after a massage is actually working on a deeper level to break old stress and pain cycles.
For you, that means:
Greater mental clarity and alertness
Speedier recovery from fatigue
Aching backs and migraines significantly diminish
Much less susceptible to disease
Significantly reducing stress
Tip the scales in your favor…and keep it that way! Include massage as part of your self-care plan.
How Your Moods Mess With Your Skin By Beauty Salon Great Missenden Call Us On 01494 865005
How Your Moods Mess With Your Skin By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005
That old saying that laughter is the best medicine is true! Your emotions play a large role in how you look and how others see you.
Of all the emotions that rip our youth to shreds, stress ranks at the very top.
Why? Stress stimulates the hormone cortisol. When you’re stressed it taxes every organ in your body.
– Blood vessels become more fragile
– Skin cells don’t form as quickly
– Cell turnover eventually slows to half!
Stress also causes you to eat differently. Do you drink less water? Crave chocolate or potato chips all the time?
Anger can also affect how quickly your skin rejuvenates and heals. Again, that pesky hormone, cortisol, takes center stage.
It limits the production of collagen, that great anti-ager, and you certainly don’t want that!
None of us can hide out from life. That’s why self-care is so crucial. Get a facial, a massage, ride a bike, whatever it is that calms and soothes you.
It will subtract years from your face and add years to your life!
How To Avoid Expensive Mistakes With Skincare Products By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005
Your best friend recommended you try a skincare product because she saw fabulous results. As a good friend, she wants you to experience the same benefits she did.
It was an expensive product, but hey, if you could get results like hers it would be worth it! So you buy it and it bombs. Do you chalk it up to just another expensive skincare mistake?
Most women would, not realizing that it’s actually their skin’s way of sending a clear message: “This isn’t what I need!”
Skin is the largest organ of the body and, perhaps, the most misunderstood. That means LOTS of frustration for you, not to mention a lot of money down the drain. So what can you do?
Save yourself the heartache and expense with a professional skin analysis. And no, we’re not talking about a department store “skin analysis.” We mean a professional skin analysis performed by one of our highly trained aestheticians.
Our aestheticians start with questions about your lifestyle, any medical condition you may have, the foods you eat, and your current skincare regimen. All four of these factors have a huge impact on your skin.
Then, we combine expertise with technology to look below the surface of your skin. We can see:
The depth of wrinkles
Pigmentation—how much and how widespread
Vascular color—yes, your blood vessels!
Different conditions of your skin and their severity (oily, dry, dehydrated, etc.)
With this objective, scientific information we have a complete picture of your skin. Now we can confidently talk to you about skincare challenges, what your skin needs, and how to address them.
A professional skin analysis saves you a ton of money and frustration. Problems are quickly addressed, and many times, reversed!
We have highly trained aestheticians, state-of-the-art technology and skincare. Why? Because we’re professionals dedicated to our work.
Vanity As A Virtue? By Beauty Salon Great Missenden Call Us On 01494 865005
Vanity As A Virtue? By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005
As you know, when you’re really young, you don’t consider the consequences of too much sun, tanning beds, smoking or drinking. Youth believe they are invincible.
So how do you get through? According to Dr. Michele Green, a dermatologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, you show them.
“Young people are not concerned, for the most part, with their own mortality. The idea of ‘cancer’ seems miles away and not a consequence of their actions today,” she said.
But if you can show them that their actions are causing premature aging or wrinkling, young people are much quicker to respond. At last, our culture’s obsession with youth is working for us!
If you have a son or daughter that needs a little convincing of their own mortality, we would be happy to show them just how mortal they really are.
A Quick, Easy Way To Have Younger, Smoother Looking Skin! By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005
With the busy lives of most women, it’s easy to overlook a very simple and easy step for younger-looking skin, exfoliation. In fact, it’s the most overlooked step in skincare!
It’s also one of the most beneficial.
Weekly or twice weekly home exfoliation removes the top layer of dead skin and unclogs pores, making them look smaller. Nice, huh? To keep their appearance small, keep them unclogged with regular exfoliation.
What else can home exfoliation do for your skin?
Soften fine lines and wrinkles
Speed up the skin renewal process for smoother, healthier skin
Ease discoloration from sun damage
Allows your skincare products to work more effectively
Give you an instant glow!
The truth is exfoliation is an excellent skin rejuvenator. There are so many benefits and so many types of exfoliants, we’re sure to find one that’s perfect for you.
Ask us about this essential and easy step for younger-looking skin!