5-7 Station Approach, Great Missenden, HP16 9AZ
Award Winning Salon. Feel Beautiful In Your Own Skin.

How To Keep Ahead Of The Winter Blues (Yes, Cold Weather Is Coming!)

How To Keep Ahead Of The Winter Blues (Yes, Cold Weather Is Coming!)

How To Keep Ahead Of The Winter Blues
(Yes, Cold Weather Is Coming!)

As autumn gradually makes its way into the colder days of winter, we pull on thicker socks and grab our favourite boots. Love it or hate it, winter is on its way!

So what can you do to prepare for the chilly days ahead? Put self-care at the top of your list!

1. Increase your vitamin D. Sunlight levels are less in the winter, but get as much of it as you can and increase your vitamin D. It helps to increase energy levels.

2. Change up your skincare products. Skin needs richer, more nourishing products to protect it from colder temperatures. We can help you there.

3. Buy fresh flowers! The vibrant colours of a Spring bouquet add freshness and cheer to any room.

4. Review your make-up colours. What about a new look? We’ll match winter shades with easy, make-up techniques that are perfect for you.

5. Wear bright colours. It’s hard to feel down with vibrant splashes of colour. And it’s fun!

6. Keep getting pedicures. Regular pedicures boost your immunity and make you feel happier.

7. Exercise. Yes, indeed. Get that blood and serotonin pumping! It’s a sure cure for the winter blues.

8. Get a manicure. A splash of bright polish on hardworking hands is an instant pick-me-up. Manicures also give your hands a moisture boost while relaxing you at the same time.

9. Watch your cravings. When serotonin levels are low, your body craves carbohydrates, especially high sugar foods like junk food and soda. Go for protein instead.

10. Get a spray tan. Keep that sun kissed look all through winter. It will keep you smiling all season long!

Sail through the upcoming cold season. Take care of yourself and let us be your partner in keeping you healthy and happy!

Call Us On 01494 865005

A Saturated Fat That Flattens Your Stomach

A Saturated Fat That Flattens Your Stomach

A Saturated Fat That Flattens Your Stomach

Ugh! It’s the one area that’s the toughest for weight loss—your stomach!

Enter coconut oil. Yes, it’s a saturated fat, but this so-called “bad fat” has a very healthy place for you in your diet.

  • It promotes weight loss
  • Boosts your metabolism
  • Helps you burn fat
  • Helps raise the levels of good cholesterol

Coconut oil has been found to lower total cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids and bad cholesterol. It also contains lauric acid, which converts into monolaurin in your body, a fantastic fungal and bacterial fighting substance.

Look for unrefined virgin or extra virgin coconut oils to get the weight loss and health benefits above.

Source: http://truthaboutabs.blogspot.com

Call Us On 01494 865005

What You Can Do About Stinky Feet

What You Can Do About Stinky Feet

What You Can Do About Stinky Feet

Believe it or not, your feet can produce a whopping half-liter, that’s over 2 cups, of sweat in one day! And if your feet like to hold onto that sweat, you’ve got a serious problem.

There are many home remedies that help with stinky feet, but there’s one big remedy you simply can’t do at home. That’s a professional pedicure.

Our licensed pedicurist will start by soaking those hardworking feet in a whirlpool of water. A heavenly sensation, soaking not only relaxes you, it also helps to reduce the amount of odor your feet produce.

Then she will slough off the dead skin on your feet, including calluses. Removing this excess skin is important because if you let it build up, it’s just another place for sweat and odor to take up residence.

With all that old dead skin gone, newer, softer skin can move in, and there are no additional hiding places for odor.

Massaging your feet and legs feels divine, but it, too, serves a greater purpose.
Emotional stress can trigger the release of sweat, which causes your feet to smell. Massage, on the other hand, calms down your nervous system.

That’s why pedicures allow you to take an hour for yourself while reducing foot odor and improving your health!

Call Us On 01494 865005