5-7 Station Approach, Great Missenden, HP16 9AZ
Award Winning Salon. Feel Beautiful In Your Own Skin.
How To Avoid The Movie Mascara Streak Up By Beauty Salon Great Missenden

How To Avoid The Movie Mascara Streak Up By Beauty Salon Great Missenden

How To Avoid The Movie Mascara Streak Up By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

The movie was a real tearjerker and her best friend had the raccoon eyes to prove it. But Jennifer’s eyes were streak free. How did she do it?

With a busy, active lifestyle, Jennifer liked the idea of mascara. She knew it really enhanced her whole eye area but…she just couldn’t make the daily commitment.

That’s when she discovered lash tinting. It was a perfect streak free fit for her. And Jennifer isn’t the only one. We have lots of clients that love the convenience of lash tinting for many reasons.

Some simply don’t want to take the time with mascara even though they know their appearance is more polished with it. Others have an allergy to mascara and can’t use it.

Whatever the reason, lash tinting has saved precious minutes in the morning for many busy women and given their appearance more polish.

A vegetable dye applied just once every 3-4 weeks in less than 30 minutes, lash tinting is a safe, practical alternative to mascara.

You’ll never have to worry about chick flick tearjerkers again. Ask us about it today!

How To Avoid The Movie Mascara Streak Up – Call Us On 01494 865005

Lifting The Oily Skin Curse By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

Lifting The Oily Skin Curse By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

Lifting The Oily Skin Curse By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

Do you have a shine by 11 a.m.? Already dreading what your face will look like by 5 p.m.?

We hear you! You want relief and you want it yesterday. By now you know the oily skin basics.

• Use skin care products designed for your oily skin

• Don’t over dry your skin. You’ll just create more oil

• Make sure everything you use is oil-free

But when these steps aren’t enough, it’s time to add more punch to your skin care.

Add a water-based serum that also contains hyaluronic acid, or HA, a naturally occurring substance in your body. HA attracts 1000% more water than its weight. That’s good news for your oily skin because water is what it’s missing. Continued use of HA reduces oil.

Exfoliate. When pores are clogged, nothing is moving. Your skin feels dry and rough, which makes your oil glands work even harder to try and lubricate your skin.

That’s why exfoliation is so important. At home, choose a clay mask to stimulate circulation and draw out impurities. Another good exfoliant is an enzyme mask with papaya, bromelain, or pumpkin. All are excellent exfoliants.

Professional Fruit Acid Peel. An alpha hydroxy or beta hydroxy acid treatment will clear clogged pores, minimize size and allow much better penetration of your skin care products.

Are you sensing a theme here? Exfoliation is the key to unclogging your pores, refining your skin, and allowing products to work more efficiently.

The results are reflected beautifully on your face!

Lifting The Oily Skin Curse – Call Us On 01494 865005

Beautiful Skin In 5 Minutes? By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

Beautiful Skin In 5 Minutes? By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

Beautiful Skin In 5 Minutes? By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

Seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, before you write it off as just another pipe dream, take a look at the simple steps you can do to get your skin glowing.

Wear sunscreen all year. We simply can’t say this enough. If you want to minimize existing sun damage and prevent further damage to your skin, wear sunscreen. Choose a high SPF, even if you aren’t going to be outdoors a lot or the day is overcast.

We have moisturizers that already have a high quality SPF. Plus, we can help you choose one that’s perfect for your skin. No guessing games!

Use The Right Skin Care Products. Do you know the difference between dry skin and dehydrated skin? Products that are too heavy will make your skin break out, if you don’t understand these skin conditions.

Oily skin needs a moisturizer, but just like other skin conditions, it has to be very specific. The product should not make your skin feel oily. Giving your skin what it needs makes it glow! This is why a skin consult is so valuable.

Exfoliate And Mask. These are both terrific anti-aging steps! You can easily exfoliate in the shower and add masking once on the weekend. Done!

Don’t forget to choose plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as lean proteins in your diet. These are great skin rejuvenators. Processed foods really wreck your skin!

It really doesn’t take a lot of effort to get your skin glowing; it just takes good habits repeated over and over again.

If you stray, don’t worry. That’s called life! Just get back on the right path tomorrow.

Beautiful Skin In 5 Minutes? – Call Us On 01494 865005

These Sneaky Habits Can Cause Acne By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

These Sneaky Habits Can Cause Acne By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

These Sneaky Habits Can Cause Acne By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

What gives? You’re way past high school but your skin is still stuck in adolescence. Grrrr! It’s enough to make even the most patient person lose their cool.

Acne-prone people are born with four to five times more skin cells than the average person. They also produce more oil (like you didn’t know that, right?) If you’re doing everything you know to do to keep acne at bay, but are still fighting it, here are a few factors that contribute to this pesky problem:

Makeup with the artificial colors FD & C. It can cause breakouts around your mouth and cheeks. Lanolin, mineral oil, petroleum, Isopropyl Myristate and artificial fragrance all irritate your acne-prone skin.

Over-drying your face. This actually causes your skin to produce more oil, and you definitely don’t want that! Keep skin hydrated. We can show you how.

Physical Pressure. Constant cell phone use, resting your hand on your face, and so on, not only exposes your skin to bacteria, but forces the bacteria into your skin.

Stress. It’s not enough that stress causes premature aging but it also increases the hormone that causes acne. Work out, go for a walk, or whatever it takes to get your emotions settled down.

Laundry. Change out your pillowcase twice a week. Make sure that towel you use to dry your face hasn’t seen a week’s worth of activity.

Diet. No, it’s not conclusive that what you eat shows up on your skin, but it makes sense. Get rid of processed foods! Opt for a healthier diet.

Make us a partner in your lifestyle changes with our professional skincare treatments. Together we can get you the skin you want and deserve!

These Sneaky Habits Can Cause Acne – Call Us On 01494 865005

5 Tips For Getting The Perfect Spray Tan! By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

5 Tips For Getting The Perfect Spray Tan! By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

5 Tips For Getting The Perfect Spray Tan! By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

Getting ready to get your spray tan on? Fabulous! We love it when our clients treasure their skin as much as we do.

To help you get the most natural looking tan ever, we’ve got 5 easy tips for you. Follow these and we promise you’ll be the envy of all your friends.

Lightly exfoliate your body for three days prior. This will get off all the old skin and allow your tan to easily penetrate newer skin for a smooth look.

Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! Give your skin plenty of moisture prior to the spray tan application. This will allow even saturation of the product. Results? Beautiful and longer lasting!

If you shave your legs, do it the night before your appointment. Shaving right after your tan can shorten the life of it. Same goes for waxing; do it a day or two before your session.

Skip perfume, deodorant, or body sprays. Don’t wear anything that could be a barrier resulting in stains or spots.

Wear loose dark clothing. On the day of the spray tan, make sure to wear old clothing, preferably dark. The spray tan will come off on your clothes. It wouldn’t hurt to wear old pajamas to bed that night, either.

Remember, you don’t want to get near water for 8 hours after the application to allow the tan to set.

You’re all set! Now see if your friends can guess which beach you’ve just been to!

5 Tips For Getting The Perfect Spray Tan! – Call Us On 01494 865005

Do’s & Don’ts of Getting A Brazilian By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

Do’s & Don’ts of Getting A Brazilian By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

Do’s & Don’ts of Getting A Brazilian By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

Got questions about getting a Brazilian? Great! We’ve got answers. Here’s our list of what to do before and after your Brazilian wax.

Before Your Brazilian:
• DO let the hair grow ¼ to ½ an inch—no longer! This is the ideal length for less pain and a quicker wax session.

• DO help prevent ingrown hairs by gently exfoliating the area several days before your appointment.

• DO be very clean. Make sure you shower the day of your wax to help prevent infection. You’ll feel more comfortable and so will your wax technician.

• DO take an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen a half-hour beforehand, if you’re very sensitive.

• DON’T schedule your appointment for about a week before or during your period, you’ll be much more sensitive, causing more pain.

• DON’T apply any creams or lotions before your wax. You’ll get better results if your skin is dry.

After your Brazilian:
• DO soothe the area with cool compresses once you get home.

• DO wash the area twice daily if you are prone to developing red bumps or ingrown hairs. Apply an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream for a few days after your wax.

• If you develop bumps, DON’T ever pick or squeeze them! This could lead to scarring. DO apply hydrocortisone and benzoyl peroxide gel, pads or wash (all available in your pharmacy without a prescription).

• DON’T wear tight underwear or clothing in synthetic materials to prevent irritation. It’s best to stick to natural fabrics that breathe.

Do’s & Don’ts of Getting A Brazilian – Call Us On 01494 865005