How Pregnancy Massage Helps Your Unborn Baby
By Beauty Salon Great Missenden
Call Us On 01494 865005
How Pregnancy Massage Helps Your Unborn Baby By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005
Pregnancy is such a special time in a woman’s life! Whether it’s your first or your third child, you want the best for you and your unborn baby.
That’s why pregnancy massage should be a part of your pre-natal care. It helps you with aches, pains, and decreasing stress. And, in turn, that helps your baby!
When a mother is stressed or experiencing some sort of trauma during pregnancy, her unborn child responds and reacts to it. Heart rate can double when the mother is upset.
Pregnancy massage reduces stress hormones while increasing the feel good hormones, serotonin and endorphins. It also stimulates the mother’s blood flow, which in turn delivers more oxygen and nutrients to both the mother and the baby—as much as 10-15%
The lymph system, your body’s trashcan, is also stimulated, increasing the elimination of toxins which is vital for getting rid of the build up in the mother’s body, reducing her fatigue, too.
Pregnancy massage also strengthens your immune system, which in turn, strengthens your baby’s immune system. With all these wonderful benefits, should you let just any massage therapist work on your growing and rapidly changing body?
We strongly encourage you to seek out a certified pregnancy massage therapist, and that’s where we come in. Our therapists have taken advanced pregnancy massage training, beyond the national standards for massage.
Our gentle, non-invasive massage eases pregnancy discomfort, relaxes you and your baby, and helps you to prepare for labor.
We know just how to work with your changing body to give you the emotional and physical support you need. Enjoy the tremendous health benefits for both you and your baby.
Call us today!
How Pregnancy Massage Helps Your Unborn Baby – Call Us On 01494 865005