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“Why Do My Nails Peel And Break?” By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

“Why Do My Nails Peel And Break?” By Beauty Salon Great Missenden - Call Us On 01494 865005

“Why Do My Nails Peel And Break?”
By Beauty Salon Great Missenden
Call Us On 01494 865005

“Why Do My Nails Peel And Break?” By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

Just like your skin, nails can become dehydrated. Instead of flexibility, you’ve got splitting, tearing, and peeling.

There are a lot of reasons that nails become weak and break. Sometimes it’s a medical condition that can cause it, like hypothyroidism, but sometimes Mother Nature is to blame.

Culprits like aging and menopause have been cited as reasons for peeling and breakage. Nutritional deficiencies such as vitamin A, C, D, and B vitamins can cause brittle nails as well.

Trade in dry, weak nails for strong, flexible nails. Include regular manicures as part of your recovery program. Relaxing and hardworking, manicures promote the health of both your hands and nails.

We’ll care for your cuticles, trim and shape your nails, and massage your hands and arms. We’ll also massage your nail beds! When we buff your nails to a high shine, we stimulate blood flow and that promotes stronger, healthier nails.

Our nail technician will also suggest nail strengthening products to fortify and strengthen your nails. With our expertise and care, we’ll help you build strong healthy nails that make you feel more confident and prettier!

“Why Do My Nails Peel And Break?” – Call Us On 01494 865005

How To Repair Brittle Breaking Nails By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

How To Repair Brittle Breaking Nails By Beauty Salon Great Missenden - Call Us On 01494 865005

How To Repair Brittle Breaking Nails
By Beauty Salon Great Missenden
Call Us On 01494 865005

How To Repair Brittle Breaking Nails By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

The official name for brittle nails is onychoschizia. But no matter what you call them, they rank at the top of the list for embarrassment and frustration.

Brittle nails are usually soft and thin. They might grow but then they split and peel. Ruling out serious health problems, brittle nails are usually the result of an inadequate diet and/or overexposure to chemicals, excessive hand washing, housecleaning, and so on.

In other words, life.

But there is good news! Opting to care for your hands and nails can reap big rewards. Half of that care comes with regular manicures. Our professionally trained nail technician will clean, file and trim, shape, and buff your nails to a high shine.

Buffing your nails actually promotes blood flow in the nail bed, which promotes healthy nail growth. And that’s what you want!

Our technician will also suggest a nail strengthener to fortify and strengthen your nails. This is very important because it protects fragile nails while rebuilding them.

The other half of nail care comes in the form of nutrition. Nails need plenty of protein, B vitamins and C. Make sure you eat real food that supports building healthy nails and body.

If your nails are causing you problems, we can help. Make an appointment today!

How To Repair Brittle Breaking Nails – Call Us On 01494 865005