5-7 Station Approach, Great Missenden, HP16 9AZ
Award Winning Salon. Feel Beautiful In Your Own Skin.

How To Give Your Skin Youthful Energy By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

How To Give Your Skin Youthful Energy By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

Your skin had more energy when you were younger, more elasticity, vibrancy and glow. But as you age, sun damage, smoking and diet all wreak havoc causing you to lose that youthful glow.

Then Mother Nature starts banging on your door telling you it’s time to pay the piper. The nerve! So now you’ve got a double whammy. Does that mean your youthful glow and facial energy are gone forever? Far from it!

With Intense Pulsed Light, or IPL, you can safely and gently bring it back by creating NEW collagen and connective tissue. Yes, even after the first treatment your skin will be smoother!

Say goodbye to:

– Brown spots
– Broken capillaries
– Redness of the skin (erythema)
– Even rosacea!

IPL tackles both the effects of natural aging and the premature aging practices of our youth. What a deal!

How To Give Your Skin Youthful Energy – Call Us On 01494 865005


Can Intense Pulsed Light Help My Hands?

Can Intense Pulsed Light Help My Hands?

Can Intense Pulsed Light Help My Hands?

You can have the best make-up in the world, the most eye-catching hairstyle and the most flattering wardrobe; but your hands can give away your age faster than you can say, “Superman!”

Age spots and sun damage reduce collagen production causing your skin to look older.

Skin rejuvenation through Intense Pulsed Light therapy deposits a million microscopic thermal-zones of energy to resurface your skin.

Plus, collagen renewal continues over the next several months following treatment.

It’s the anti-aging treatment that keeps on giving!

Do You Have To Be A Celebrity To Have Skin Like This?

Do you despair that only the rich and famous can have gorgeous skin? 


Do You Have To Be A Celebrity To Have Skin Like This?

Do You Have To Be A Celebrity To Have Skin Like This?

Dear…dear…It’s time we had a talk!


Intense Pulsed Light therapy can make a dramatic difference in your skin and how you think of yourself. It rejuvenates, restores and smoothes out uneven skin tone, reducing or eliminating a great number of age-related problems.


And the down time is practically non-existent! Why? Because the light marches right past your epidermis, which is the outer layer of your skin. It then  gently heats the cells of your dermis, the deeper layer of your skin—and that’s where all the action is.


Once there, the different wavelengths of light go after its target like age-spots or broken capillaries. While the heat is repairing the damage it’s also giving your skin an order: Produce new collagen and connective tissue! And your skin responds. (Nobody wants to disobey an order!)


Extremely cost-effective, IPL is not invasive and doesn’t carry the risks of laser therapy. So c’mon! It’s time for your close up!

How Intense Pulsed Light Gets Rid Of A Rudolph Face

How Intense Pulsed Light Gets Rid Of A Rudolph Face

How Intense Pulsed Light Gets Rid Of A Rudolph Face

Is there anything more maddening? The slightest bit of exertion, a weather change, or eating spicy foods can cause your skin to light up like Rudolph on Christmas Eve!

It’s embarrassing, down right aggravating and it’s called rosacea. We highly recommend facials to soothe, calm, cool and protect this fickle skin condition.

Rosacea facials are also excellent for strengthening capillaries, reducing redness, and to flush toxins from your system. This will help to lessen rosacea flare ups and keep your skin functioning more effectively.

And if you’re so over the flushing that is the hallmark of this mysterious disease, Intense Pulsed Light can greatly reduce or even eliminate It. Considered the gold standard for treating rosacea, Intense Pulsed Light removes the dilated capillaries and blood vessels that cause flushing.

That means you no longer have to explain the sudden deep redness to your cheeks. Heck, you don’t even have to think about it!

IPL and facials may not be able to solve the mystery of rosacea, but they can play a significant part in eliminating the obvious signs and discomfort. You’ll love what you don’t see in the mirror!

Call Us On 01494 865005

10 FAQ’s About Rosacea and Intense Pulsed Light

1. How does IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) help my rosacea symptoms? Intense Pulsed light uses a specialized light that closes down the blood vessels and capillaries that cause flushing, dramatically reducing redness.

2. Will the IPL affect normal healthy skin? IPL does not have any affect on surrounding healthy skin. The light energy is absorbed by the dilated vessels and capillaries causing them to shut down.

3. How many treatments do I need? Generally 3-6 sessions are needed. Some tiny areas close during the first treatment. Larger areas as well as skin flushing decrease gradually over 5 weeks. This is a far gentler way to treat rosacea. It’s also the reason IPL has become the preferred method.

4. Why do I need more than one treatment? It’s impossible to equally cover and close all of the affected areas in just one treatment. That’s why sessions are scheduled approximately 5 weeks apart.

5. Is Intense Pulsed Light the same as laser? IPL was developed from laser technology. However, laser uses a solid beam of light. IPL uses hundreds of wavelengths, or colors, in each burst of light, not just one wavelength. Filters are used that can work in a similar manner to laser, but IPL is not a traditional laser treatment.

6. What is an IPL treatment like? They are very quick, simple, and relatively painless. You will wear protective eye shields. Then a gel will be placed on your skin. This is to increase your comfort and improve the effectiveness of the IPL treatment. During the treatment, you will feel a small snap as the flash touches your skin, but it’s tolerable. After the treatment, cold packs will be placed on your skin for comfort. Your face may look pink for an hour or so, but there will be no bruising.

7. How long do treatment sessions last? It all depends on the area to be treated. Generally, speaking 30-90 minutes.

8. Can I return to work? Yes. Your skin may still look a bit pink, but it will return to normal in a few hours.

9. What skincare products are best for rosacea clients? Avoid Retin A. This is too harsh for this skin type. Vitamin C serums are soothing and have anti-inflammatory properties that are extremely helpful. All skincare products must be calming and soothing. Many dermatologists recommend facials to further minimize the symptoms of rosacea. Talk to our aesthetician about your specific needs.

10. Will I ever need more than one round of treatments? Most likely, you will need a touch up treatment once a year to keep the rosacea to a minimum.

Call Us On 01494 865005