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How To Avoid The Movie Mascara Streak Up By Beauty Salon Great Missenden

How To Avoid The Movie Mascara Streak Up By Beauty Salon Great Missenden

How To Avoid The Movie Mascara Streak Up By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

The movie was a real tearjerker and her best friend had the raccoon eyes to prove it. But Jennifer’s eyes were streak free. How did she do it?

With a busy, active lifestyle, Jennifer liked the idea of mascara. She knew it really enhanced her whole eye area but…she just couldn’t make the daily commitment.

That’s when she discovered lash tinting. It was a perfect streak free fit for her. And Jennifer isn’t the only one. We have lots of clients that love the convenience of lash tinting for many reasons.

Some simply don’t want to take the time with mascara even though they know their appearance is more polished with it. Others have an allergy to mascara and can’t use it.

Whatever the reason, lash tinting has saved precious minutes in the morning for many busy women and given their appearance more polish.

A vegetable dye applied just once every 3-4 weeks in less than 30 minutes, lash tinting is a safe, practical alternative to mascara.

You’ll never have to worry about chick flick tearjerkers again. Ask us about it today!

How To Avoid The Movie Mascara Streak Up – Call Us On 01494 865005

How To Know If Lash Tinting Is Right For You By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

How To Know If Lash Tinting Is Right For You By Beauty Salon Great Missenden - Call Us On 01494 865005

How To Know If Lash Tinting Is Right For You
By Beauty Salon Great Missenden
Call Us On 01494 865005

How To Know If Lash Tinting Is Right For You By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

On the go? Got allergies or sensitivity to makeup? Or maybe you just want to save a few extra minutes in the morning…these are just some of the reasons women choose lash tinting over mascara.

Here are a few more:

• Allergic to mascara
• Avid swimmers, athletes, or outdoorsy
• Mascara runs and it’s embarrassing
• Want to look polished but not really into applying mascara
• Have light lashes and want to enhance eyes without mascara
• Have short lashes and want to define them

And that’s just a partial list! If you don’t wear mascara much but would love to have a more polished well-defined eye without the hassle, tinting is a good choice.

It only takes about 30 minutes and you’re back to enjoying your life. You won’t have to think about your eye “makeup” for 3-4 weeks.

But what exactly is lash tinting?

It’s an all vegetable dye, and that means irritation around your eyes is minimized. That’s why we love it! There are absolutely no harsh chemicals. However, because each person is different, we recommend a patch test 24-48 hours before your appointment, just to be sure.

Women also love the added benefit that lash tinting is waterproof. Unlike waterproof mascara, there isn’t even the slightest chance it will let you down!

There are also many different colors to choose from. So get creative if you like. Relax and enjoy the experience. You’re in good hands with our solid expertise.

How To Know If Lash Tinting Is Right For You – Call Us On 01494 865005

If You Don’t Wear Mascara But… By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

If You Don’t Wear Mascara But… By Beauty Salon Great Missenden - Call Us On 01494 865005

If You Don’t Wear Mascara But…
By Beauty Salon Great Missenden

If You Don’t Wear Mascara But… By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

If you don’t wear mascara but you’d really like to, say hello to the mascara alternative: eyelash tinting.

An all vegetable dye, it’s applied every 3-5 weeks in 30 minutes or less. You walk in with invisible lashes; you walk out with well-defined lashes that have the beauty and polish of mascara…but without the hassle.

We have many colors to choose from to further enhance the color of your eyes. Best of all, it’s waterproof. And you definitely won’t have to fight with eye make-up remover to get it off at night. Lash tinting goes to bed with you!

We do recommend that you get a patch test 24-48 hours before your first application just to be sure you have no reaction. We realize it’s highly unlikely, but we think it’s a good policy.

Dark lashes, blonde lashes, fat lashes and skinny ones all benefit from the beauty enhancing effects of lash tinting.

Ask us about it today!

If You Don’t Wear Mascara But… – Call Us On 01494 865005

You Want To Wear Mascara BUT… By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

You Want To Wear Mascara BUT… By Beauty Salon Great Missenden - Call Us On 01494 865005

You Want To Wear Mascara BUT…
By Beauty Salon Great Missenden
Call Us On 01494 865005

You Want To Wear Mascara BUT… By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

Wearing mascara can really make your eyes pop. But unfortunately for some women, they can’t.

There are several reasons why some women can’t wear mascara. They may be allergic, they may not have the time to apply makeup, and the list goes on.

So if you don’t wear mascara but would really like to, say hello to the mascara alternative: eyelash tinting.

An all vegetable dye, applied every 3-5 weeks in 30 minutes or less. You walk in with barely noticeable eyelashes; and you walk out with well-defined lashes that have the beauty and polish of mascara…but without the hassle.

There are a lot of advantages that you can get from having your lashes tinted. You can choose from the various colour options we have to further enhance the colour of your eyes. It’s waterproof. And best of all, you won’t have to fight with eye make-up remover to get it off at night. Lash tinting goes to bed with you!

We highly recommend that you get a patch test 24-48 hours before your first application just to be sure you have no negative reaction toward the dye. We realize it’s quite unlikely, but we think it’s a good policy.

Dark lashes, blonde lashes, fat lashes and skinny ones all benefit from the beauty enhancing effects of lash tinting.

You Want To Wear Mascara BUT… – Call Us On 01494 865005

FAQ’s About Eyelash Tinting By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

FAQ’s About Eyelash Tinting By Beauty Salon Great Missenden - Call Us On 01494 865005

FAQ’s About Eyelash Tinting
By Beauty Salon Great Missenden
Call Us On 01494 865005

FAQ’s About Eyelash Tinting By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

1. Will lash tinting make my eyelashes fall out?
It’s highly unlikely. We use an all vegetable dye, which minimizes irritation. However, it’s our policy to have you do a patch test 24-48 hours before your first application, just to make sure you have no allergies to the dye.

2. How long will lash tinting last?
About 3-5 weeks.

3. Should I take any precautions after I get my lashes tinted?
Yes, once your lashes have been tinted, do not get them wet for at least 24 hours. You want to make sure the dye is fully dry.

4. Can I swim with my lashes tinted?
Absolutely! You can exercise, watch a tearjerker movie, and peel onions without the hassle of mascara streaking.

5. Why do you want me to get a patch test before the application? I’ve never been allergic to anything.
Although it is unlikely for you to have a reaction to the dye, we like to be absolutely sure. It’s just a precaution.

6. Can I choose a color the same way I do with mascara?
Yes, you can. And we have many to choose from.

7. What if I want to change to a different color the next time I get my lashes tinted? Can I do that?
Sure! You can change the color as often as you like.

8. Can I wear mascara with my lash tinting?
Yes, but the mascara remover will fade the dye, shortening the life of your lash tinting.

9. Is lash tinting safe?
Our lash tinting is an all vegetable dye. It doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals. It is very safe, but we do recommend a patch test 24-48 hours before the application to make sure you have no reaction.

10. Can anyone apply lash tinting?
Unfortunately, yes. That’s why we recommend you have a professional apply the tint. You don’t want someone with minimal experience-or none at all—to work with your eyes. Always get a trained professional for such a delicate task.

FAQ’s About Eyelash Tinting – Call Us On 01494 865005