5-7 Station Approach, Great Missenden, HP16 9AZ
Award Winning Salon. Feel Beautiful In Your Own Skin.

How To Make Acne A Vanishing Act

How To Make Acne A Vanishing Act

How To Make Acne A Vanishing Act

Acne. You might as well say the word, “taxes,” it has the same effect on your psyche.

Acne can be a debilitating disease that damages your self-esteem and your looks. And like taxes, it can also destroy your bank account trying to get rid of it!

When you’re looking for ways to treat this infamous disease, you may think you need aggressive treatment, after all, acne is an aggressive disease.

Or, maybe you’ve already experienced high-octane treatments with previous therapies. If so, you know how rigorous they can be!

The plain fact is you’ve suffered enough. Why should your treatment possibly threaten your health (like Accutane) or, as with chemical peels, cause severe drying, flaking, and hiding out for days at a time?

We treat acne with LED (light emitting diodes) therapy, and we treat it very successfully. And believe it or not, you will actually look forward to your treatments because they are so relaxing.

For severe, chronic acne, we use the LED blue light because it kills the P. acnes bacteria, the bacterial cause of this debilitating disease. The acne bacteria absorb the light, which kills the bacteria.

Acne vanishes as a result.

The LED red light is a healing light and reduces the inflammation caused by acne. It also reduces scarring, oil and oil production. We may also use this color on your acne as well.

How would we use these two lights for you? Schedule a consult today and we’ll discuss your individual treatment plan for clear skin!

Call Us On 01494 865005

Do You Want To Be Rid Of Stretch Marks?

Do You Want To Be Rid Of Stretch Marks?

Do You Want To Be Rid Of Stretch Marks?

Who doesn’t want to be rid of stretch marks? They can make you feel self-conscious and unattractive!

Certainly, remedies abound for this side effect of pregnancy and rapid weight loss, but can you actually get rid of them?

While stretch marks are indeed difficult to erase, you most certainly can greatly reduce their appearance to almost nothing. And yes, while this is good news, the really great news is this:

A non-invasive, incredibly safe, Nobel Prize winning therapy leads the field in vastly reducing the appearance of unsightly stretch marks.

LED technology is an acclaimed and documented therapy. In 1903, Dr. Niels Finsen, won a Nobel Prize for his work with LED and tuberculosis.

Researchers at NASA later discovered its skin rejuvenation benefits through plant experiments. Research showed LED sped up the healing of injuries from astronauts in outer space.

And now you get to benefit from this natural and safe therapy, too! Here’s how it works.

– LED uses low intensity light emitting diodes (LED) to reach the deep layers of your skin.

– LED accelerates skin repair by promoting the production of collagen

– LED pulls collagen to the surface to fill in lines and wrinkles (laser can’t do that!)

Even though LED technology is 3X brighter than the sun, it does NOT burn the skin. Instead, it works on a cellular level to repair the damage. Your old stretch marks, once silvery, return to their healthy color, looking much like the surrounding skin.

Strong enough to repair damaged tissues, but not to harm them in any way, LED gives you complete peace of mind and no visible stretch marks!

Call Us On 01494 865005

Why We Chose The Alternative To The “Gold” Standard By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

Why We Chose The Alternative To The “Gold” Standard By Beauty Salon Great Missenden - Call Us On 01494 865005

Why We Chose The Alternative To The “Gold” Standard
By Beauty Salon Great Missenden
Call Us On 01494 865005

Why We Chose The Alternative To The “Gold” Standard By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

It’s true, we did.

For many years, laser treatments have been considered the gold standard in anti-aging treatments. But to our way of thinking, not everything that glitters is indeed gold.

To be clear, laser does what it says it will do. It will tighten, firm and smooth your skin for a much younger look. Our big concern was how this treatment got those results.

An aggressive approach to anti-aging, laser:

– Uses high power density and focused energy—wounding your skin by melting it to create more collagen.
– Takes days to weeks to recover
– Causes trauma and pain

Well, that didn’t sound much like a gold standard to us! Does it to you? That’s why we opted for the acclaimed and well-documented approach to anti-aging: LED Light Therapy.

Here’s why:

– Uses low intensity lights to reach deeper layers of your skin
– Practically no recovery time
– Uses the body’s own natural processes for skin rejuvenation

Doesn’t it just make more sense to work with your body, instead of forcing it, wounding it into a smoother, younger version of itself?

LED encourages renewal by gently lifting, tightening, and rejuvenating your skin. Just take a look at the results our clients are having.

With no down time. No pain. LOTS of gain!

Ask us about this Nobel prize winning approach to health, and now, a revolutionary approach to younger skin.

Why We Chose The Alternative To The “Gold” Standard – Call Us On 01494 865005

Do You Play This Mirror Game? By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

Do You Play This Mirror Game? By Beauty Salon Great Missenden - Call Us On 01494 865005

Do You Play This Mirror Game?
By Beauty Salon Great Missenden
Call Us On 01494 865005

Do You Play This Mirror Game? By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

Maybe you’ve tried to ignore those lines and wrinkles staring back at you in the mirror. Or, maybe you’ve studied how to hold your head just right so that the sagging around your mouth and jaw line aren’t really that noticeable.

It’s a funny game we play to keep from facing a simple truth: we all age.

With modern life becoming increasingly stressful combined with the massive consumption of processed foods, hormonal changes are occurring earlier than in your mother or your grandmother’s time!

Collagen and elastin are breaking down faster to create:

– Premature sagging
– Premature Wrinkling
– Even Acne!

The good news is you don’t have to stand by and watch it happen.

As you know, there are many anti-aging therapies that can effectively slow down and even turn back Father Time.

Laser therapy, considered the “gold” standard in anti-aging, actually heats and melts the skin to encourage the production of collagen. That didn’t sound like a state of the art way to reverse damaged skin. Plus, it’s ridiculously expensive!

Instead, we decided on the Nobel Prize winning LED light therapy. Extremely safe and highly effective, LED works with your body—it doesn’t force it—to stimulate the production of new collagen and elastin.

Look at the additional benefits of LED:

– Diminishes the symptoms of rosacea
– Reduces pore size
– Minimizes appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and crow’s feet
– Repairs sun-damaged skin
– Diminishes redness and flushing
– Minimizes dry patches, itching and sensitivity related to eczema

Acclaimed and documented for aging, healing wounds, treating cancer, and skin diseases, LED is now a healthy revolution in anti-aging. Feel good about looking in the mirror. Talk to us about LED today!

Do You Play This Mirror Game? – Call Us On 01494 865005

Red Light, Blue Light, Yellow Light, Go! By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

Red Light, Blue Light, Yellow Light, Go! By Beauty Salon Great Missenden - Call Us On 01494 865005

Red Light, Blue Light, Yellow Light, Go!
By Beauty Salon Great Missenden
Call Us On 01494 865005

Red Light, Blue Light, Yellow Light, Go! By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

As far back as 1500 BC, science has documented the extraordinary effects of light for optimal health. But it wasn’t until 1903 when Danish physician, Dr. Niels Finsen, won a Nobel Prize for his health success with LED therapy, that it began to get the attention it deserved.

NASA also uses LED to treat muscle and bone atrophy in astronauts. In fact, it was NASA’s research that uncovered the LED anti-aging discovery.

But just what makes those lights so special, you ask? LED, or light emitting diodes, has different panels of light.

Red is widely used to stimulate collagen, treat prematurely aged, sun damaged or sagging skin. The result is more elasticity, suppleness and flexibility by increasing the circulation in your skin.

Blue light kills the P.acnes bacteria, one of the causes of acne, because it’s sensitive to this light range. Best for stubborn, severe acne, the blue light also reduces oil and oil production.

Yellow is excellent for treating sunburns, reducing redness and skin conditions such as eczema and rosacea.

The bottom line is these non-invasive, highly effective lights act as a natural anti-inflammatory in your body, which results in building more collagen and elastin. And it builds it fast—150-200% faster!

We have found that up to 90% of clients see a big difference in their skin challenges. Why not join them?

Red Light, Blue Light, Yellow Light, Go! – Call Us On 01494 865005