Rosacea, in all its aggravating forms, can cause a woman to feel unattractive and embarrassed by unexpected flare ups.
We’re glad to say you don’t have to put up with flushing, broken capillaries or enlarged blood vessels any more! Intense Pulsed Light, or IPL, has changed all that.
An IPL beam hits the offending capillaries and blood vessels and shuts them down.
Kaput! No more permanently red skin. Ever. Plus, flushing is dramatically reduced. The results are truly remarkable!
Better yet, the IPL beam affects only the damaged vessels and does not injure surrounding healthy skin.
And the side benefits of this extraordinary treatment? Firmer skin, more even skin tone, brown spots fade, and sun damaged skin takes on a healthy glow.
It’s just that many more reasons to love the woman in the mirror. Ready?
When Skin Redness Isn’t Rosacea By Beauty Salon Great Missenden Call Us On 01494 865005
When Skin Redness Isn’t Rosacea By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005
Sometimes clients will tell us they think they have rosacea because their skin is red and flushes easily. But when we take a closer look, we find another common culprit, couperose, or broken capillaries.
There are several reasons capillaries may weaken and break. Heredity is one.
Some of us were just born with naturally thin, weak skin, which of course, includes the capillary walls of your face.
Extremes in temperatures can increase the likelihood of developing couperose. With constant exposure, the skin thins, weakening capillary walls.
Another factor is aggressive over exfoliation of the skin. No, you won’t get better results if you scrub harder! You’ll just create a spidery network of broken capillaries across your beautiful face.
What can you do about couperose? We have skincare that targets this exact problem, and complementary hydrating treatments that combat redness and lock in moisture.
If you’re ready to tame your red, irritated skin, we can help get you there.