5-7 Station Approach, Great Missenden, HP16 9AZ
Award Winning Salon. Feel Beautiful In Your Own Skin.

You Too Can Have Beautiful, Luxurious Skin

You Too Can Have Beautiful, Luxurious Skin

You Too Can Have Beautiful, Luxurious Skin

If you think only the rich and famous can have gorgeous skin, you’re wrong. Intense Pulsed Light can give you the skin you’ve always dreamed of.

IPL therapy rejuvenates, restores and smoothes out uneven skin tone, reducing or eliminating a great number of age-related problems.

With IPL, the light marches right past your epidermis which is the outer layer of your skin. Then, it gently heats the cells of your dermis, the deeper layer of your skin. The different wavelengths of light go after its target like age-spots or broken capillaries.

While the heat is repairing the damage, it’s also commanding your skin to produce new collagen and connective tissue. So the down time is practically non-existent!

Extremely cost-effective, IPL is not invasive, can make a dramatic difference in your skin and how you think of yourself.

Call Us On 01494 865005

Instant Skin Rejuvenation: The Beauty Of …Enzymes? By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

Instant Skin Rejuvenation: The Beauty Of …Enzymes? By Beauty Salon Great Missenden - Call Us On 01494 865005

Instant Skin Rejuvenation: The Beauty Of …Enzymes?
By Beauty Salon Great Missenden
Call Us On 01494 865005

Instant Skin Rejuvenation: The Beauty Of …Enzymes? By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

We admit that it doesn’t sound very sexy, but once you hear our story, we’re pretty sure you’ll love enzymes, too. Here’s why.

Enzymes are activators of change, loaded with important nutrients and proteins. And because your skin is a natural storage house of enzymes, life simply wouldn’t be possible without them!

That’s why we love Tri-Enzyme Resurfacing Facial. The fruit enzymes in this gentle, effective treatment accelerates young cell renewal by dissolving old dead skin cells, as well as fighting free radical damage, which causes premature aging.

It’s both gentle and effective for all skin types, including sensitive. There is no downtime and the change is immediate. (These guys don’t waste time!)

The beauty of Tri-Enzyme Resurfacing Facial is that it deeply refreshes and rejuvenates your skin by increasing oxygen, which causes skin to look and feel younger.

And it’s perfect for both dry, flaky skin as well as acne because it adapts to what your skin needs. Remember, enzymes are catalysts for change.

That’s their whole purpose.

The results are multiple depending on the needs of your skin:

• Diminishing fine lines and wrinkles
• Deeply cleansing pores causing them to appear smaller
• Diminishing scars and stretch marks
• Age spots and sun discoloration fade
• Reducing acne and oil
• Sweeping away dry, flaky skin

We think that’s incredibly sexy. If you want to look and feel sexier and more confident about your looks, book your appointment for our Tri-Enzyme Resurfacing Facial today!

Instant Skin Rejuvenation: The Beauty Of …Enzymes? – Call Us On 01494 865005

3X Brighter Than The Sun And It Won’t Burn Your Skin! By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

3X Brighter Than The Sun And It Won’t Burn Your Skin! By Beauty Salon Great Missenden - Call Us On 01494 865005

3X Brighter Than The Sun And It Won’t Burn Your Skin!
By Beauty Salon Great Missenden
Call Us On 01494 865005

3X Brighter Than The Sun And It Won’t Burn Your Skin! By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

Pretty amazing, huh?

LED light technology, the highly acclaimed and widely documented therapy, is actually 3X brighter than the sun when it’s applied to your skin. So why doesn’t it burn?

Because it uses low-level pulses of red and/or infrared lights to activate skin cells, which is actually healing to your body!

LED converts the light energy already found in skin cells to promote healing and anti-aging effects. It also pulls collagen to the surface to fill in lines and wrinkles.

Studies show that skin exposed to LED light grows by 150-200% faster. The reason is simple. Your skin has a high blood water content. That means it absorbs the light, (in this case the color red) quickly increasing the natural healing process.

Strong enough to repair damaged tissues, but not to harm them in any way, LED gives you complete peace of mind. No recovery time required.

Very affordable, LED is also the best value on the market today. What’s not to love?

3X Brighter Than The Sun And It Won’t Burn Your Skin! – Call Us On 01494 865005