People all over the globe are singing the praises of peptides. While there are many kinds of these natural wonders, there are three that are used most successfully in cosmeceutical skin care formulations:
– Signal peptides: Encourages the production of collagen while decreasing the breakdown of existing collagen. – Neurotransmitter peptides: Limits muscle contractions. Please note: Peptides do NOT deliver the same results as Botox. If it did, it would be classified as a drug. – Carrier peptides: Stabilizes and delivers trace elements necessary for wound healing and enzymatic processes.
The challenge with peptides is their size. Fortunately, peptides are easily modified to improve their ability to work in skin care formulations. Only when the peptide product is absorbed through the skin and to the targeted area will it have the most potential of generating results.
Because the signs of aging include fine lines and wrinkles due to a breakdown of collagen and elastin, peptides’ abilities seem to be a perfect match for those seeking anti-aging skin care formulations.
Combining peptides with regular professional treatments such as facials, LED and IPL can help preserve the natural beauty of your skin.
Yes, we know. Sometimes clients grumble about the price of our skincare line. And we get it. We know you spend more for our line than what you get in a drugstore.
But have you ever considered why? We can tell you in two words: active ingredients. The more active ingredients a skincare product has, the more powerful it is.
For example, vitamin C is an active ingredient. It has been widely studied and its benefits are proven.
But just because it’s listed as an ingredient in an over-the-counter skincare line does not mean it’s active. This potent antioxidant has to be handled and packaged carefully or the benefits are vastly degraded.
Over-the-counter skincare products do not cite studies or tout how the vitamin C is packaged because the law doesn’t require it. However, you’ll notice that our skincare is backed up by science.
We have brochures that demonstrate through documented studies as well as before and after pictures just what our products will do for your skin.
Lastly, you never BUY skincare from us. You INVEST. That difference shows clearly on your skin.
How To Avoid Expensive Mistakes With Skincare Products By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005
Your best friend recommended you try a skincare product because she saw fabulous results. As a good friend, she wants you to experience the same benefits she did.
It was an expensive product, but hey, if you could get results like hers it would be worth it! So you buy it and it bombs. Do you chalk it up to just another expensive skincare mistake?
Most women would, not realizing that it’s actually their skin’s way of sending a clear message: “This isn’t what I need!”
Skin is the largest organ of the body and, perhaps, the most misunderstood. That means LOTS of frustration for you, not to mention a lot of money down the drain. So what can you do?
Save yourself the heartache and expense with a professional skin analysis. And no, we’re not talking about a department store “skin analysis.” We mean a professional skin analysis performed by one of our highly trained aestheticians.
Our aestheticians start with questions about your lifestyle, any medical condition you may have, the foods you eat, and your current skincare regimen. All four of these factors have a huge impact on your skin.
Then, we combine expertise with technology to look below the surface of your skin. We can see:
The depth of wrinkles
Pigmentation—how much and how widespread
Vascular color—yes, your blood vessels!
Different conditions of your skin and their severity (oily, dry, dehydrated, etc.)
With this objective, scientific information we have a complete picture of your skin. Now we can confidently talk to you about skincare challenges, what your skin needs, and how to address them.
A professional skin analysis saves you a ton of money and frustration. Problems are quickly addressed, and many times, reversed!
We have highly trained aestheticians, state-of-the-art technology and skincare. Why? Because we’re professionals dedicated to our work.
These Skin Care Ingredients Give Back! By Beauty Salon Great Missenden Call Us On 01494 865005
These Skin Care Ingredients Give Back! By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005
No matter what season it is, your skin craves moisture. Summer sun dries it up (and makes it greasy) and cold winter temperatures freeze it up!
To protect your skin all year long, we recommend these hardworking ingredients to keep moisture in your skin and to keep it glowing.
• Ceramides-Naturally found in the membrane of skin cells, these little wonders help prevent moisture loss. By using products that contain ceramides, you actually shore up your skin’s moisturizing defenses.
• Glycerin, Glycols & polyols-All members of the humectant family, these ingredients cause skin to attract moisture and bind it.
• Hyaluronic Acid (HA)-We love, love, love hyaluronic acid! This naturally occurring molecule absorbs about 1,000 times its own weight in water. And that keeps collagen and elastin moist, which helps skin look supple and youthful. HA is also excellent for oily skin that breaks out easily. It’s lightweight, non-oily and appropriate for even the most acne-prone complexions.
Got a question about skincare products? We’d love to hear them!
Our Skincare Products Aren’t Couch Potatoes By Beauty Salon Great Missenden Call Us On 01494 865005
Our Skincare Products Aren’t Couch Potatoes By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005
Nope, and they never will be. Over-the-counter products often boast of having ingredients like vitamins A and C, ceramides and peptides. But they rarely talk about the delivery system for those ingredients.
Think of it this way. What good is it to have a powerful racecar if you don’t have a skilled driver? You can boast of your racecar’s powerful engine and sleek design, but without the driver’s expertise, the car is nothing more than a showpiece.
The same is true for skincare. There are thousands of skincare rejuvenation products on the market. If they all worked as well as they claimed, we would all have the skin of a teenager!
Our products are not only active, meaning they have been proven to improve the signs of aging, but they have a highly effective delivery system as well. If you want younger, smoother skin, you have to have both.
We’re serious about skincare. That’s why we back it up with science.