These Sneaky Habits Can Cause Acne By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005
These Sneaky Habits Can Cause Acne By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005
What gives? You’re way past high school but your skin is still stuck in adolescence. Grrrr! It’s enough to make even the most patient person lose their cool.
Acne-prone people are born with four to five times more skin cells than the average person. They also produce more oil (like you didn’t know that, right?) If you’re doing everything you know to do to keep acne at bay, but are still fighting it, here are a few factors that contribute to this pesky problem:
Makeup with the artificial colors FD & C. It can cause breakouts around your mouth and cheeks. Lanolin, mineral oil, petroleum, Isopropyl Myristate and artificial fragrance all irritate your acne-prone skin.
Over-drying your face. This actually causes your skin to produce more oil, and you definitely don’t want that! Keep skin hydrated. We can show you how.
Physical Pressure. Constant cell phone use, resting your hand on your face, and so on, not only exposes your skin to bacteria, but forces the bacteria into your skin.
Stress. It’s not enough that stress causes premature aging but it also increases the hormone that causes acne. Work out, go for a walk, or whatever it takes to get your emotions settled down.
Laundry. Change out your pillowcase twice a week. Make sure that towel you use to dry your face hasn’t seen a week’s worth of activity.
Diet. No, it’s not conclusive that what you eat shows up on your skin, but it makes sense. Get rid of processed foods! Opt for a healthier diet.
Make us a partner in your lifestyle changes with our professional skincare treatments. Together we can get you the skin you want and deserve!
These Sneaky Habits Can Cause Acne – Call Us On 01494 865005