5-7 Station Approach, Great Missenden, HP16 9AZ
Award Winning Salon. Feel Beautiful In Your Own Skin.
The 40-Something Skin Care Primer By Beauty Salon Great Missenden - Call Us On 01494 865005

The 40-Something Skin Care Primer
By Beauty Salon Great Missenden
Call Us On 01494 865005

The 40-Something Skin Care Primer By Beauty Salon Great Missenden – Call Us On 01494 865005

Yes, you can have great looking skin at any age! The biggest challenge is reconciling poor skin care habits from the past and overexposure to the sun.

But knowledge is power. Skin in your forties turns over more slowly and is more prone to dryness and fine wrinkles.

The good news is we live in a time where Mother Nature can be given a nudge, with the effects of aging even reversed!

Here’s how: Get chemical peels and microdermabrasion to keep the outer layers of your skin smooth. Chemical peels literally peel away the rougher outer layers of your skin.

With microdermabrasion, crystals wear away dead skin. Also consider IPL and laser for longer-lasting effects. And remember, retinol is your friend! It can be used at home to build collagen, fade sun spots and improve the over all texture of your skin.

Splurge on a good eye cream. The eye area is the thinnest skin on your body and often the first place to show wrinkles. No skimping here!

Don’t be rough on your skin. Baby it instead! Avoid over exfoliation. Once or twice weekly is plenty. Avoid using two potentially irritating ingredients at the same time like retinol and Vitamin C. Alternate; use one in the A.M. and one in the P.M.

Got questions? We’re happy to customize your skincare routine!

The 40-Something Skin Care Primer – Call Us On 01494 865005